Sicario Review Benicio Del Toro Common Sense Media

American Sicario (2021) Poster

2 /ten

I hate a traitor

Alarm: Spoilers

Eric Vasquez (Philippe A. Haddad) is a drug dealer in United mexican states. He supplies the cartels with drugs while at the aforementioned time he murders (on camera) members of cartels. Danny Trejo plays an old schoolhouse father-in-constabulary. Things go bad for Eric leading to a narco war.

The movie needed some more linear plot. People getting killed were long and frequent scenes.

Guide:F-word. No sex or nudity.

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i /ten

Incredibly poor

Clearly a high jack of the Sicario films in hopes that it gets a load of viewers from those movies. This is anything but. Opening scene is trying hard to impose that this guy is a bad ass, except that his dialogue is childish and broken. Most scenes are just annoying with the usual drug dealer dialogue.

This is almost like watching cut scenes in a 90s video game level bad, all that's missing is the "Ha, ha ha, take that ! "

I tried to lookout man for longer than I'd like to admit, waiting for some action to happen. Trejo plays a caring father and OG gangster and information technology but felt way off.

Maybe in that location's some action in the second half of the picture show, perhaps non. Congrats to everyone who makes it that far, I couldn't consummate the mission.

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three /x

Barely entertainment

This could have been a decent film, the pb thespian was miscast, he doesn't have much acting experience, and he was a bit wooden. The residual of the cast was okay, the Mexican cartel leaders are probably the best performances, just they couldn't relieve the film. The directing was poor, they overused the drone landscape footage, and they were just really out of their league. It felt like a really depression budget production, and was not particularly entertaining.

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iv /10

Waste of time, unless you lot are really bored.

"American Sicario" is an action moving picture based on a truthful story. For all the fans of the "Sicario" movies with Benicio Del Toro, do not take your hopes high. This picture show does non belong in the same category. Yes, yous take plenty of action, swearing, and graphic scenes in this movie. Although it is based on a true story, in that location is no plot nor twist that you lot practise not see coming from a mile away. The acting of Philippe A. Haddad (Erik Vasquez) is not bad. Only the whole cast sucks. The longer downwardly in the film, the worse it gets. No kidding. And I am not even speaking about the plot holes. Fifty-fifty if you are a Danny Trejo fan, you will be disappointed. It is like he is doing this pic against his will. You are better of watching the trailer and skip the picture show. Waste of fourth dimension. Unless you are really bored, like I was....

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ane /10

The worst picture show I ever seen.

Don't waste your time buddies. Get for a walk or anything else instead.

That'southward the worst acting I have ever seen. Waste material of money making this picture show unless the actors paid the managing director.

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ane /ten

7+ ???!!!

Who voted !? Actor's relatives ??!! U really watched that ? If this is a 7.three motion picture.... ok...nevermind. At the eye of the flick that cia girl amanuensis says "hmmm...why a pretty rich male child like you cull this kind of life?" pretty indeed i'd say... and past the style, "sicario" is a soldier hired for his killing skills. That narco boss was the sicario ? Hehehe...poor guys...

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2 /ten

mediocre or worse

If a group of higher students make a moving picture similar this as a graduation work, I guess they should be able to graduate... The lighting may comprise some ideas, other aspects are mediocre or worse, nothing more.

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1 /10

Watch this movie if you actually detest yourself

Cheap actors, tedious dialogs, zero talent, The primary player can even talk let alone act.

They literally wasted good source material on this film and I don't fifty-fifty know who green lighted the product of this moving-picture show.

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1 /10


Warning: Spoilers

This film is incredibly bad, story, acting basically everything is terrible. I felt ill to take wasted 1 hr watching this rubbish. Do your cocky a favour and spotter something else.

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one /10

The worst movie I e'er came across!

I don't know who gave the money for this to be shot. This is the lamest nearly deadening movie I always saw. The acting from the main grapheme down to Danny Trejo is so poor, and the directing is non existent. I call up that this is ac lear example of money laundering or another scheme.

There is no 0 so I had to give it 1, totally undeserved.

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1 /x


Horrible acting. Horrible storyline. Garbage movie. Don't waste matter your time. I watched til the end because I actually thought this was a mean joke that was being played.

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ane /10

Watch literally annihilation else

One star is generous. This moving picture is beyond bad. Quite perhaps the worst pic I accept ever seen. The storyline and interim were laughable, at all-time. I am really still mad I wasted an hour and forty-one minutes of my life on this movie. Information technology was physically painful to effort and get through this. The picture/overall quality is so cheap seeming and about of the filming is done at nauseating angles. Don't waste matter your time.

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ane /10

Another worst action motion picture! Full of boring conversation, and abrasive overuse scene! Not recommended!

Alarm: Spoilers

This picture show get-go with three people been taken abroad from a van, and a man been killed scene! Every bit turnout, this flick is about an American gangster "Erik" need to help the DEA to capture his rival "Roberto", and eventually having immunity for prosecution! Entire film full of tiresome conversation, and annoying overuse scene! Such equally, overuse of the walking scene, overuse of the arguing scene, overuse of the calling names scene, overuse of the staring scene, overuse of the drinking scene, overuse of the coma scene, overuse of the long angle scenery scene, overuse of the talking on the phone scene, overuse of the news dissemination on the TV scene, and overuse of the driving scene! Brand the motion-picture show unwatchable! All the activeness scene have blood at certain point, simply overall portray by sideways, messy, and occur in too short of time! Brand the picture frustrated to sentry! At the end, Erik been killed in the prison house! That's information technology! Wasting time to watch!

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1 /ten

Cheap, bad acting, silly plot

Although based on a true story the plot is only flat and only shows the stupidity of the person the movie was based on. The merely surprise within the movie is that a "boss" who fabricated it to a level where he dealt with thee cartels would exist this bones.

Acting is quite bad and the characters totally underdeveloped with no groundwork story.

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ane /10

Instant cult classic

If you woulda told me going in that this movie was gonna exist a one-act instead of activeness I wouldn't have believed it

American Sicario was and then unbelievably horrible and cheesy that I HAD to finish the motion picture just because I was laughing at how atrocious it was

Favorite function had to be the ELITE tactical "Sicario" preparation they got from "Portuguese", I'thousand completely surprised they didn't shoot BB guns out in the desert with the level of "training" they received, information technology was no wonder they were completely slaughtered in the showtime 10 seconds of a gun fight with a real drug cartel.

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ane /ten

imagine the worst

Y'all know bad films right?

Now imagine worse films Go on to the worst Now, this one is worse than the worst.

Ane thinks, what a waste product on money

Do not press on play.

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five /10

Not sooo bad as stated here.

Just watched information technology and have to write afterwards years a review once more, after seeing all those others here.

Is this movie worth watching? Perhaps. Tin can it compete with the Sicario movies, absolutely non. All the same the atmosphere of the movie is somehow comparable. Is it an action movie? Nope!

With this type of movies you have to consider that they are not high budget Hollywood flicks. And for that, its watchable. If you expect too much though, you volition be disappointed.

Danny Trejo seems to brand 20 movies a twelvemonth now. And like Bruce Willis nowadays, he had maybe 2 to 3 days of filming. Cypher special at all. Same former about his character.

The story itself, if really based on a true story, is not bad at all. And if based on a true story, of course there are non many twists. Duh. Real life is not a hollywood picture show.

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3 /ten

This does not Deserve a 7.v Rating!

To be honest the motion picture starts off real good. Moody and interesting, with good acting and directing.

But so somewhere around the half style mark it takes a really bad turn. And somehow the same actors who were doing a real practiced task interim, suddenly become actually bad actors.

And the script gets stoopid.

As well bad. Could take been a really entertaining movie.

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i /x


This movie is and then bad it does not fifty-fifty deserve to be on IMDb. This was such trash, it was painful to sentinel. My caput hurts, my feelings are injure and I am contemplating suicide later on watching this. If someone without brain, hands, movie equipment, 0 sense for writing a script and 0 talent for interim made a pic - it would probably however be meliorate than this. Oh my god, delight someone help me after this.

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3 /10

Bad acting, very anticipated story

I encounter a lot of movies with low ratings that deserve much higher ratings... but it's quite rare to observe one with expert ratings that should exist a lot lower... this is such an example.

I dear a proficient B movie, but this one is just bad across the board... the lead actor is a very poor thespian, the story lackluster and very predictable and it seems whole segments were left on the cutting floor which made some scenes and dialogues out of place because parts of the story were left out.

Not worth the fourth dimension...

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1 /10

That was bad. Period

I don't ordinarily give reviews simply this was so bad, then poorly scripted and pathetically exectuded I feel deceived past ratings over vi, and would like to save you the thwarting. Just don't watch it. A rating of 2 would exist more than accurate.

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6 /10

All well-nigh perspective

Make no mistake: This is a B-motion picture.

Just similar the terrible mail-jurassic park dinosaur movies of the 90s before it, and the terrible post-star wars sci-fi movies before that.; this is someone's sicario-project

If you watch it with friends to express joy, and so it's actually not too bad of a time.

If you're looming for sicario, you lot're better off watching sicario.

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1 /10

Cypher acting skills.

I am trying to figure out who rated this higher than a ane . Pathetic. The acting is some of the worst I accept seen . The atomic number 82 doesnt even look like his profile moving picture anymore. Worst of the worst .

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3 /10

Beneath boilerplate B movie

This picture definitely does not deserve the six+ rating that it has but also it is not a 1. I watched the entire thing but it was definately not worth it. Fifty-fifty for "passing the time" in that location are thousands of movies much much better.

The poster is misleading making you think that it is a Danny Trejo movie but it is not. Danny Trejo plays a barely supporting character, with 10 lines in full and no actual contribution to the plot. Every bit for activity, he shoots a gun into the altitude a couple of times.

He is here to bring Trejo fans that expected good old Machete action.

The plot is a flake impaired, with many holes and incosistences. The activeness is beneath boilerplate, gun scenes bad and the ending is random.

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7 /x

Pretty good B movie based on real life

Compte and Haddad did some very good acting. Danny Trejo was good too. Pretty adept movie for a B list. At first, i idea the lead actors accent was fake but afterward some inquiry i establish out he was born in an American hospital in Mexico.

I establish it very entertaining, i'm certain you volition.

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