Donald Trump Make America Great Again Donald Trump Hand Motion

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump sought to infuse his maiden Land of the Union address Tuesday with an undercurrent of optimism, issuing a call for Democrats and Republicans to look past deep national divisions in social club to exercise proficient past the American people.

Even equally he worked to bridge growing national schisms, however, Trump didn't avert the nighttime warnings nigh immigrants and nods to populist nationalism that have helped foment disunity over the by twelvemonth.

Over the course of his 80-minute address -- ane of the longest-running Land of the Union speeches in history -- Trump heralded the economic successes of his commencement year in part, including a soaring stock market place and low unemployment. He trumpeted the large package of tax cuts he signed into police force last year and proclaimed that a regulatory rollback has allowed industries to thrive. And he staged several emotional moments with invited guests sitting in the first lady'southward box, including the parents of Otto Warmbier, who died subsequently being returned to the United States by his North Korean captors.

    The evening began with a precedent-breaking motion by Melania Trump: instead of riding to the Capitol with her hubby, the first lady arrived to the building early to see privately with her invited guests.

      And while Trump offered the traditional assessment of American force -- "the state of our union is stiff considering our people are potent" -- Trump did piffling to admit that his presidency has been incomparably nontraditional. He climbed the dais in the Capitol with one of the lowest approval ratings for whatever get-go-term president. His presidency continues to exist overcast by investigations into his campaign'south ties to Russian federation.

      Trump sought to await by those facts and toward a time to come marked past unity and inclusion.

      "This, in fact, is our new American moment," Trump said in his remarks, which rarely strayed from the prepared text loaded into his teleprompter. "There has never been a meliorate fourth dimension to start living the American dream."

        Can optimism last?

        The moments of soaring optimism from the President stood in stark contrast to the message he often delivers on Twitter. Information technology remained an open question how long the adulation, which echoed in the House chamber, would linger, given the difficult edges surrounding many of his policies.

        Only a month later on his first address to a joint session of Congress a yr agone, Trump accused quondam President Barack Obama of wiretapping his conversations, a sign that behavior cannot be judged on ane speech or one evening lonely.

        Tuesday's spoken language, laced with American stories of triumph and tragedy, did not mask the President'due south priorities or how he views issues like clearing. Even while pledging to extend "an open manus to work with members of both parties," Trump made clear his hard-line on immigration would have precedent over the "bill of love" that he mentioned earlier this calendar month. And he devoted more fourth dimension to MS-13 gang violence than he did to telling the stories of successful immigrants who take thrived in America.

        "My duty, and the sacred duty of every elected official in this sleeping accommodation, is to defend Americans -- to protect their rubber, their families, their communities and their right to the American Dream," Trump said as he outlined a programme that would allow upward to one.8 million undocumented immigrants to remain in the country while funding a border wall, catastrophe the visa lottery system and reforming family clearing rules.

        But he was booed past Democrats when he used the fraught term "chain migration," and he laid blank the nationalist undertones of his policy by declaring "Americans are dreamers, too."

        Meet Joe Kennedy, who will deliver the Democrats' SOTU response

        The remarks seemed unlikely to produce understanding betwixt Republicans and Democrats, who will have to come together in some form to laissez passer an immigration law. He didn't offer a pathway -- or even a head start -- toward solving the immigration impasse for the "Dreamers," which Democrats have insisted must be tied to a long-term regime funding bill.

        Trump too did not avoid oblique references to the divisive topics that have salted his first year in office, including the controversy over football players kneeling during the National Anthem.

        Saluting a 12-year-sometime guest who spearheaded an endeavour to place flags on veterans' gravestones, Trump said the student's actions reminded all Americans of their "civic duty."

        "Preston's reverence for those who accept served our nation reminds united states of america why nosotros salute our flag, why we put our easily on our hearts for the pledge of allegiance, and why we proudly represent the National Canticle," he said, to applause from Republican lawmakers in the oversupply.

        Highest-profile platform

        This is what Trump sees when he opens his Twitter feed

        A president'south Land of the Matrimony is typically his highest-profile platform of the yr, and viewership is generally higher in the outset part of a presidency. Just television ratings for the oral communication take steadily fallen over the decades, and Trump has shown a penchant for bypassing traditional advice channels in favor of social media.

        If the State of the Matrimony has causeless a reduced importance, all the same, there were no signs the White House took it whatsoever less seriously. For months, Trump fed handwritten notes with lines for the speech to his team of speechwriters, a White House official said.

        In his speech, Trump called on lawmakers to approve a $1.5 trillion infrastructure package and touted his work on health care and in naming a new justice to the Us Supreme Court.

        Trump spoke most extensively virtually domestic diplomacy, only did reserve the final section of his address for strange matters. He touted successes in contesting back ISIS and again denounced the Islamic republic of iran nuclear bargain. And he warned that Democratic people's republic of korea could "very soon" be capable of threatening the Usa homeland with nuclear weapons.

        "Past experience has taught us that complacency and concessions only invite aggression and provocation," Trump said of Democratic people's republic of korea. "I will not repeat the mistakes of the past administrations that got us into this dangerous position."

        Trump practiced delivering the accost from the Map Room on Monday, the official said. Trump'due south predecessors also rehearsed their addresses from a mock podium and teleprompter set upwards in the White Business firm basement room.

        A squad of speechwriters and pinnacle policy aides helped Trump craft his address, White House officials said. They included National Economic Quango director Gary Cohn, national security adviser H.R. McMaster, senior policy adviser Stephen Miller and staff secretary Rob Porter.

        Trump first reviewed a draft of his Country of the Matrimony address in December, and has fabricated handwritten edits in recent days with blackness felt tip pens. In the last several weeks, Trump has workshopped ideas for the speech communication or edited certain sections while in the residence at dark, handing over his changes to staffers the next day.


        Democrats selected Rep. Joe Kennedy III, a grandson of Robert F. Kennedy, to deliver the traditional response to the President'southward speech.

        "Bullies may land a punch. They might leave a mark," the lawmaker said before a alive audience gathered at a Autumn River, Massachusetts, technical schoolhouse. "Only they have never, non once, in the history of our United States, managed to match the strength and spirit of a people united in defense of their futurity."

        A number of other responses were too planned, including past Sen. Bernie Sanders, the contained Vermont senator who ran for President in 2016. A number of Democrats boycotted the speech communication.

        To a higher place the House floor, the administration's hosted guests in the first lady's box meant to illustrate policy objectives. This year the roster included a firefighter who helped battle blazes in California and the parents of teens killed by the MS-13 gang.

        The commencement lady herself besides attended the spoken communication. Ordinarily, Melania Trump'southward presence at the Country of the Union would non exist notable -- merely she hasn't appeared in public with her hubby since reports emerged concluding calendar week that Trump allegedly had an affair with a porn star.

          Melania Trump arrived at the Capitol separately from her hubby so she could meet ane-on-one with the invited guests. Presidents and get-go ladies typically travel to the voice communication together.

          CNN'southward Jim Acosta, Kaitlan Collins, and Jeremy Diamond contributed to this report.


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